Sunday, September 29, 2013

Welcome our New teacher!!

We are welcoming our new teacher this week. Mrs. Cariveau! I am so excited for her to begin. I am gone this week through Wednesday so the kids will have lots of time to get to know her. When I return, we will be working together and then I will fade out the end of this week/early next week.

I have enjoyed working with all of your children and I am so sad to leave them. However, I am so excited for my new role in our district. This has been a personal goal of mine and the doors finally opened in the right direction, so I had to step through.

Coming home this week are usernames and passwords for and our typing website. Feel free to let the kids practice their math facts and practice their typing. As they master each of the typing "rows" they can move into prescriptive typing and practice until their hearts are content.

Also, our first math test is this week on Tuesday. The kids should be brining home their study guide on Monday so you can look it over and review skills with them. The study guides are set up VERY similar to the tests so if your child struggles in an area on the study guide, please spend a few extra minutes on it.

Fundraiser... is over. If you happen to have ANY coupon books left over, they need to be sent to school asap. I think we did SUPER and sold a ton. Thanks to Jordan who made it his personal goal to sell the most in the school, we are WAY above 100 books so our class will be getting a pizza party sometime soon once all results are calculated.

If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to email me as I will have access while I am gone.

Mrs. Farkas

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Up and Running

Reading groups are up and running, so watch for books to be coming home. At this time, there is not a parent signing sheet, however students are still expected to read at home. They should be encouraged to read the book twice, however if they only get through once, that is fine. They need to read aloud to "someone". We talked that it could be a big/little brother/sister, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent or even the dog/cat. As long as we are reading aloud.

Update on my departure:

My third grade position was posted online and they are currently in the interview process. If everything continues to run smoothly, my last day in the classroom would be October 4th. Then I will continue to be involved and co-teach with my replacement. This also allows me to practice "coaching" for my new role. I would be completely out of the classroom by Friday, October 11th. I WILL be doing conferences the following week, alongside my replacement.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I plan to make this transition go as smoothly as possible.

Other classroom updates:

*  Fundraiser booklets ARE DUE NOW. :-) We have done an amazing job selling as a class and I look forward to coming back and celebrating our success.

* Math homelinks will come home on a more consistent basis as we are moving along in our curriculum.

* "Stuff" needs to be left home. Some students are bringing jewelry, action figures, perfumes, lipsticks, bouncy balls, stuffed animals, etc.. However, all these items need to be left at home.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th... not in our classroom though

We had a great day! I was so proud of all of the students today. They worked so hard. Our clipchart is up and running so please watch for your child's "day" at the bottom of their agenda. Everyone starts on Ready to Learn and can either move up or down according to their behavior.

Going up: Ready to Learn, Good Job, Great Job, Outstanding, Top of the Chart, Off the Chart (also known as Onto Mrs. Farkas)

Going Down: Ready to Learn, Slow down (time to think about their behavior), Think about it (they fill out a reflection sheet), Parent Contact (you will hear from me)

Now, we all have different types of days and can sometimes start out crabby and then turn it around, so our students can move up and down the chart all day. They will record the behavior that they landed on at the end of the day.

Other notes:

We are doing such an awesome job fundraising. Keep selling those books.

Book orders went home today. If you order online, our classroom gets  a free book and you do as well on your next order (as long the special is the same as last year). The kids only took home 2 book orders, but online, you will have more choices. Our online code is GX24P.

Remember to read and follow our blog so you can stay up to date. On our last prize word, I think only 3 kids have gotten a prize so far.

Homelinks will start coming home next week on a regular basis. The point of our homelinks is for your child to share what they are learning and show you what they know. Please do not make it stressful "homework". If they get them done, great, if not, make a note on what is tough or causing struggle and send it back.  DO NOT WORRY!!!! They are another learning tool.

Gone: I will be gone Monday and Tuesday at a coaching training. The students will have a sub. If you email me and I do not respond right away, that is why.

Conferences: If you haven't signed up, watch for a time to be emailed to you.

As always, you know how to contact me. Let me know if I can help or answer any questions.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Forgot a Prize Word

I forgot!!!!

In my last post I meant to put a prize word. So... only after you have read the previous two posts from tonight please write the word BUBBLE in your child's agenda.

Just some clarification... you only need to write it once on the day you read the post (or when you remember) and as they come in, your child gets a prize from my bucket. Thank you so much for those that did it with PORCUPINE. I was a little worried after the first day and I only had 1. Yikes! However, I had several the next day so it made me smile or maybe it was the kid who kept saying, "Yea, and what is WITH the porcupine in my agenda!" Ha!

Thank you and I promise this is it for tonight (until I think of something else).

Mrs. Farkas

Clip On Up

As we are moving passed the "honeymoon" period of getting to know everyone and students being still a little shy, we move into the completely comfortable stage of learning and behavior. So starting tomorrow we will be using a Clip Chart to monitor our behavior.

The focus of the clip chart is on the good. The object is to find those around others that are using good skills such as listening and following directions and allowing them to "clip up" for their awesome behavior. There are different levels and students can even clip off the chart and onto Mrs. Farkas. Having students clip up has high hopes that others around them will change their negative behavior into a positive in order to also clip up.

However, there are times when students will clip down and need to reflect on their behavior. Our lowest level on our clip chart is parent contact in which you will hear from me and from your child in order to create responsibility for their behavior and actions in the classroom. I look forward to your support at home if you do receive a call or email from me and a letter from your students. Please discuss their behaviors and what might be done differently next time, however, clipping down and the steps that are involved are consequence enough, so do not feel like you would need to also punish your child at home. It is a time of communication, reflection and learning. Now, if you are getting a call from me every day, we might have to set up something different. :-)

This also works the same in the opposite direction. Your child will record in their agenda the type of day they had, so if they end on a positive note, please praise them like crazy and celebrate their positive behavior. The clip chart really works the best when both parents and the teacher are SUPER excited about those showing positive behavior. I'm ready, are you?

Have an awesome night!

Mrs. Farkas

(more information will come home soon about our clip chart, so watch closely for it, and if you have any questions, you know how to contact me)

Time for Time

During unit 1 in our math series, we are reviewing and perfecting a lot of our skills from second grade. This is laying the foundation for our "big kid" third grade skills. With that being said, we have lots to practice in order to be ready. So... please begin working on telling time (on an analog clock, the one with hands) and counting money (mixed coins and dollars up to $10). Your work at home will help SO much with our work in the classroom. We tell time to the nearest 5 minute working up to the minute and elapsed time. We should be able to fluently count money up to $5 and will work up to counting mixed coins and bills up to $100 or more, plus change.

You could see some practice pages coming home to help some students practice at home. We also are going to begin working more on fact fluency. Not speed and memorization, but building the foundation again. So we will review doubles facts and then move onto doubles plus one, plus two and making a ten. We will be using a program on the computer to help practice those skills once we have them down in the classroom. Watch for more information on this, as the kids can practice at home as well if they have access and are allowed to use the computer at home.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email or call. Have a great night.

Mrs. Farkas

New News

It is with excitement and sadness that I am writing to inform you of my leave from my third grade position. I have accepted a different position within our district and will be an instructional coach. My new role will allow me to support teachers who are new to teaching, new to the district or others along the way.


I am very sad to leave my students, but assure you they will be in good hands. I will work with my replacement to help with the transition for the students.  My transition will be a slow, steady one and will be finalized mid-October. 


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email me. Thank you so much for sharing your child with me. I have truly enjoyed every moment of getting to know them personally and academically.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


We have had such an awesome time. We are starting to move passed procedures and are starting to dive into curriculum. As my own daughter is getting into her first full week of kindergarten, it helps me to realize what it takes to be a parent. Wow! There is a lot to remember, so I will do my best to send out as many reminders as possible, still keeping in mind though we are trying to build independence with our third graders.

1.  All Fridays are wear your Westside (or Bison) gear.

2.  Fundraising starts today. Books will be coming home with the kids. They are $20 each. If your child will not sell any, please feel free to send the whole packet back asap. However, if you do sell, they are due on the 24th. If you need more books, the kids need to bring their money in and Penny will get them more books. Please consider selling as many as you can. This is our only fundraiser and last year it was a huge success that allowed our PTA to purchase new playground equipment.

**One more thing, if our class sells 100 or more books we GET A PIZZA PARTY!!!!

3. Please make sure you are reading and signing your child's agenda each night.

Finally, if you have read this, will you please write the word PORCUPINE at the bottom of your child's agenda. When they show me, they will get a prize. Thanks!

Mrs. Farkas