Thursday, August 28, 2014

Book Shopping

We have had lots of fun learning all our new routines and procedures this week. I will post more information soon, but wanted to get a few photos up from our book shopping day.

Every now and then, I will pull books from my library and allow the kids to switch out their browsing box books. Today was our first day and we had a lot of fun reading to find "Good fit" books.

(don't mind the quality, I only had my phone this time. Next time I will break out the camera.)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Back to School Night

Thank you so much to everyone that was able to make it to Back to School Night. It was so great to see everyone and start to put some names with faces. Here are a few quick updates/reminders from the night.

*  First day back is Monday, August 25th. First bell rings at 8:00 and second/tardy bell rings at 8:10 (5 minutes before it did last year).

*  Follow my blog. You can enter your email address on the side where it says "follow by email". This way as soon as I post, you will get an email.

*  Sign up for the Remind App. You can do it online or on your phone. This is a free service that will let me text you. From your phone the number is 701-214-4697 and our class code is @farkas305.

*  Remember to bring all your school supplies and any forms with you on Monday.

*  We will have gym almost every day so either wear tennis shoes or bring them with. You can even leave them in your locker if you wish.

*  EAT A BIG BREAKFAST! After looking at our schedule and what time will work best, we are going to test having snack at 11:20. It is super late, but so is our lunch. So ALWAYS eat a big breakfast.

Get a good night's rest on Sunday. I will see you bright and early with a big smile on. I can't wait for the year to begin.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me or call. Everyone that attended back to school night went home with a magnet containing my contact information.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Another year!

Oh my gosh!

I can't wait to begin a new year. It is amazing how many hours go into a classroom before it is ready for kids. I have been in my classroom a ton! I have brought out my sewing machine as well and will (finally) be making some really cute curtains for my room. I am also working on t-shirt reading buddy pillows. So fun and the kids are going to love them.

For those of you that might be curious, I stepped out of the classroom last year and worked in our district as a Student Performance Coach. I loved my job as a coach but realized I love kids more. So... that is what is brining me back to the classroom. I am so excited I can't even contain myself.

Hopefully I can get some pictures up and going soon. In the mean time, if you are a parent from my classroom and wish to stop receiving notifications of my posts, there is a link on the bottom of the email. Just click that and you should stop getting my updates.

Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Mrs. Farkas