Monday, March 16, 2015

Finally... Owl Pellets!

We have finally begun our adventure with the human body. We have counted bones, looked at movement through jumping rope and assembled a Mr. Bones character. We even tried to label as many bones as we could on a skeleton. We finally have started to find another skeleton inside an owl pellet. We use Foss Science kits and part of our kit is to disect and discover an owl pellet.

What is an owl pellet?
 When an owl eats it prey, it swallows it whole. Then an owl's body does something really amazing and digests everything but the fur and bones. It then throws the leftovers back up, thus producing an owl pellet.

We were a little grossed out at first, but once we realized we can wash our hands afterwards, we dug right in. We are in the process of animal identification and placing bones in the right place.

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