Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Morning Blues

My goodness...Monday mornings are rough! I think my room was full of zombies and not third graders!!! You all must have had some crazy fun weekends. :) Just a heads up for some of you, we had a few lovelies who were honest (which I SOOOOOO appreciated) and admitted to secretly reading or playing some kind of game boy or ipod in bed unbeknownst to you until VERY late. You may want to consider rounding up any gaming devices (and books, even though I hate to say it) in your house at bedtime to assure this doesn't happen again. I know you all realize and understand the importance of a good night's sleep, and I myself am a night owl and guilty of a late bedtime often. Thank you so much for your efforts to establish and maintain a consistent and healthy bedtime! A good night's sleep (along with daily activity and healthy eating) GREATLY impact a child's attention, participation in class, understanding of learning topics, and relationships with their peers.

Onto our learning...

Last year we implemented a new Writing Workshop in grades 1-3, and I continue to be amazed by how students respond. Our first two weeks we focused on brainstorming ideas to write about and developing these topics through storyboarding. If you ask your son or daughter, they should be able to tell you that we are working on writing personal narratives, and that these stories must have the following 4 things: characters, setting, problem, and resolution. No happy stories here! This week we are starting to draft which means we are getting to write our stories out.:)

Cursive! The students are SOOOO excited to be learning cursive. Our goal this year is to learn how to form all the letters correctly and be able to read cursive fluently. Even though we aren't expected to master cursive, I anticipate that cursive will end up to be easier and neater for several students than printing. Proper formation is key along with the correct pencil grip. So when practicing at home, keep those things in mind.

Other topics we studied last week: identifying characters and setting, words that end in -ed, 4 kinds of sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory - yes, we used those words!), telling time on an analog clock (one with hands), measuring with inches and centimeters, and using tally marks and bar graphs to study data.

The coupon book fundraiser is in full swing! Westside will benefit $10 from every book sold!!! That's amazing!!! The students are very excited about the opportunity to earn money for their school and to earn prizes for their efforts. We talked about polite, safe, and strategic sales strategies and prepped the materials. Please consider purchasing one and helping your son or daughter to sell a few more. The coupons inside are FABULOUS, so I'm sure it won't be hard to "get rid" of them!

That's it for today... until next time.

Mrs. Farkas

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