Our first and most favorite app: Twitter
After our first initial iPad, I was hooked. I applied for a small grant, and WON! So, we were able to add two more iPads to our classroom and with the help of our PTA, we added the cases and headphones. This opened the door to many other uses for our iPads. Here are a few of our other favorite apps at the moment.
Allows students to take a picture of anything and give it a voice. We have used it to bring our art projects to life and also biography projects we have done. The students think it is hilarious to be able to make anything talk, even their desk.
This app encourages the 4Cs as they collaborate together to be creative and design bridges that will hold either cars or trucks. They can score points based on their structure, how much it cost, and the effectiveness. They also explore what bridges are made out of, the cost of materials, and how to build a stable bridge.
This app by Scholastic allows practice of addition and multiplication skills. We use it in our classroom after we have mastered the math strategies to add and multiply. Students can work together to solve or can play independently.
Currently, we are trying SO hard to add more iPads to our classroom. We are about 1/2 way to raising enough money to add 2 more iPads, cases and headphones through Donor's Choose. If you would like to support us or know a friend who would like to... we would be SO thankful. www.donorschoose.org/mrsfarkasclassroom It is so amazing to see the transformation in learning when technology is used in a purposeful way. I have students begging to stop and read so they can record their stories using an app called Audioboom. It melts my teacher heart.
We would love to connect with you if you or your class is on social media.
Connect with us on Twttter:
Classroom: @tweetingin3rd
Teacher: @JennaMFarkas
Thanks for stopping by. If you have any questions about the apps I talked about, please feel free to comment.
I also need to give a HUGE shout out to a fabulous teacher friend of mine. She has been my lifeline in adding more technology into my classroom and I am SO thankful our paths have crossed. Whenever I have ANY questions she is so willing to help me no matter the time. Even if I bust in when she is teaching. :-) Please hop over and check out Mrs. Delzer's blog. She will rock your world and make you want to add all sorts of tech to your classroom as well as change your décor.
What apps do you love for your classroom or at home?
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