We have been selling coupon books for almost 2 weeks now. Our class has sold over 70! Yes! We are almost to our goal of at least 100 to earn our pizza party. All books and money are due on September 23rd. So keep on selling.

*** And, my name was drawn for one of the door prizes and I won a Target gift card. Can't wait to use it! Thanks PTA!.
PLEASE make sure you are sending warm enough clothes with your child. It is very cool in our room during the day, so a sweatshirt that they can keep in their backpack/locker would be great. Plus with the weather cooling down, students will need to start bringing a jacket and hat.
Our yearly Book-it challenge has begun. We are striving to read 400 minutes each month. If a student reaches their goal each month, they will get a certificate for a pizza. Plus we will have a monthly drawing for prizes in our classroom for those that meet their goal. Record student minutes at the top of their agendas (on the Thursday/Friday side). They do not have to fill out the pages they have read, just the minutes.
We have started our keyboarding instruction. As soon as our kiddos finish up learning all our keys, their log in information will be sent home so they can practice there as well (if they have access to a computer).
Home links will start to come home on Monday. Remember, it is a way for you to stay informed and a way for the students to practice what we learned in class. NO STRESS! :-)
UFF! I think that is enough information for today. Tomorrow is our first Westside Spirit Day, so wear your Wildcat t-shirt. Or GO BISON!
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