Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The FIRST day of school

Wow! What a great day! The kids were awesome today and I am looking forward to such an amazing year. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Here are a few housekeeping things to take care of:

1.  Please follow our blog via email. This is my best way of communicating and I post pictures (if you filled out the online permission slip telling me I can).

2.  Make sure you reply to my test email I sent out earlier. If you did not receive one, I either do not have the correct email address or any email address for you, so please feel free to contact me with a correct one. jfarkas@west-fargo.k12.nd.us

3.  An email was sent out asking you to sign up for fall conferences. Please sign up as soon as possible. If you do not sign up, I will assign a time for you. Please watch for an additional email coming early next week with times for spring conferences as well.

4.  CALLING ALL SNACKS!!! We have the fruit and vegetable cart Tuesday through Friday. However, there are many times when there might snacks that your child does not care for (i/e cold green beans), so if you are able... please send a box (25) of snacks so we can store them in our cupboard. This will cover us on days when we choose to not have the fruit or veggie and on Mondays if a student forgets to bring a snack.

5.  Please watch your child's home folder tomorrow as there will be several forms that need a signature and sent back.

Have a fabulous night and as always, my door is open if you have any questions, comments or concerns. However, if you would like a speedy reply, email is best. :-)

Thank you so much for sharing your child with me. I can't wait to get to know them more.

Mrs. Farkas