Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A New Challenge

Today we discussed screen time and other options. After learning A LOT about the students, we have two challenges that we are going to try.

Screen Time Challenge
           ** choice 1: set a timer for 30 minutes and then turn it off as soon as the timer goes off
            ** choice 2: track the amount of minutes they are spending in front of a screen

Family Dinner Challenge
           ** Have dinner with whoever is home one night this week with NO TV. Bonus*** talk about your day with the people who are involved in the dinner.

Everyone is going to try both challenges. Some students are already doing these challenges, so they are good to go. We are keeping an open mind and with some, trying something new. :-) Thank you for supporting our challenges.

Mrs. Farkas

Minecraft... Is it overtaking your third grader?

This is taken directly from minecraft.net.

Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things.
It can also be about adventuring with friends or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary than pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.
What a great game! However, is it overtaking your child? After listening to many conversations in our classroom, for some of the kids, the answer is "yes". I do believe this is an amazing game that teaches kids to make a plan, work together, problem solve and use their creativity. But yet again, too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing.
Many students are bragging about the number of hours they are spending on the computer or playing video games. I just wanted to share some research with you on screen time. And point out that there might be an unawareness going on of how much time our children are actually "online".
Here is some information on screen time taken directly from www.mayoclinic.com.

The effects of too much screen time

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting a child's use of TV, movies, video and computer games to no more than one or two hours a day. Too much screen time has been linked to:
  • Obesity. Children who watch more than two hours of TV a day are more likely to be overweight.
  • Irregular sleep. The more TV children watch, the more likely they are to resist going to bed and to have trouble falling asleep.
  • Behavioral problems. Elementary students who spend more than two hours a day watching TV or using a computer are more likely to have emotional, social and attention problems. Exposure to video games also increases the risk of attention problems in children. Children who watch excessive amounts of TV are more likely to bully than children who don't.
  • Impaired academic performance. Elementary students who have TVs in their bedrooms tend to perform worse on tests than those who don't.
  • Violence. Too much exposure to violence on TV and in movies, music videos, and video and computer games can desensitize children to violence. As a result, children may learn to accept violent behavior as a normal part of life and a way to solve problems.
  • Less time for play. Excessive screen time leaves less time for active, creative play.

How to limit screen time

Your child's total daily screen time may be greater than you realize. Start monitoring it. In the meantime, you can take simple steps to reduce the amount of time your child spends watching TV, movies and videos or playing video or computer games:
  • Eliminate background TV. If the TV is turned on — even if it's just in the background — it's likely to draw your child's attention. If you're not actively watching a show, turn off the TV.
  • Keep TVs and computers out of the bedroom. Children who have TVs in their bedrooms watch more TV and videos than children who don't. Monitor your child's screen time and the websites he or she is visiting by keeping computers in a common area in your house.
  • Don't eat in front of the TV. Allowing your child to eat or snack in front of the TV increases his or her screen time. The habit also encourages mindless munching, which can lead to weight gain.
  • Set school day rules. Most children have limited free time during the school week. Don't let your child spend all of it in front of a screen. Avoid using TV and video or computer games as a reward for finishing homework and chores.
  • Talk to your child's caregivers. Encourage other adults in your child's life to limit your child's screen time, too.
  • Suggest other activities. Rather than relying on screen time for entertainment, help your child find other things to do. Consider classic activities, such as reading, playing a sport or trying a new board game.
  • Set a good example. Be a good role model by limiting your own screen time.
  • Unplug it. If screen time is becoming a source of tension in your family, unplug the TV, turn off the computer or put away the video games for a while. You might designate one day a week a screen-free day. To prevent unauthorized TV viewing, put a lock on your TV's electrical plug.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this. If you would like the link to the whole article from Mayo Clinic click http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/children-and-tv/MY00522

Please help me to encourage everyone to "UNPLUG" and be active together.

Mrs. Farkas

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My girls

A few personal photos. My girls love their "mastics". 

Language Arts Map Test

Our first of 3 tests!

I am so proud of everyone. We did about 15 minutes of cardio before our test and took a few breaks during the test to improve our focus and it paid off. I am so impressed with everyone's scores. Some students grew 10 or more points. Wow!

We take our next round on Monday (math). I will be sending home Map reports at the end of the year, or sooner if available. They do not officially become available until the Map window closes, plus a few days.

One other note... midterms go home on Friday so keep a watch for those. Have a great night.

Mrs. Farkas

Monday, April 15, 2013

Junior Achievement Photos

MAP Test 1

Tomorrow we begin our first MAP test (language arts). We will be doing 15 minutes of cardio before we test to get our minds and bodies ready so please help your child remember to wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.


Also, please plan to serve a Big, HEALTHY breakfast that will help them focus. Sugary breakfasts might be more fun, but do not give kids the sustained energy they need to make it through a big test.
Thank you and have a safe day. J Hopefully the snow does not stick around for too long.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Silent Auction

Silent Auction Help!

The Westside Carnival is coming up on May 2nd. This year, we are doing something a little different. All proceeds from the carnival will be donated to a Westside family dealing with growing medical bills. This family is very near and dear to our classroom especially because one of our classmates is part of this family.

During the carnival there will be a Silent Auction with gift baskets people can bid on. The school is pulling together to create baskets. Our class will be putting together 3 baskets to put on the Silent Auction. We came up with 3 different basket ideas and brainstormed items to include in the basket.

 Please see the lists below and if you are able to, help us fill our baskets. You may either purchase and send NEW items to go with the basket theme, or you can send money and I will purchase the items to include in the basket. All items can be sent to our classroom with your child starting now through April 19th. At that time, I will finish the baskets and prepare them for the auction.

The kids are super excited for the carnival and that they are able to help out not only a classmate, but a whole family. Thank you so much for helping us help others. What a great lesson we are teaching. J Mrs. Farkas

Beach Basket
Dog Basket
Toddler Basket
beach towel
sand bucket and toys
squirt gun
beach ball/inner tube/ floaties
diving rings/sticks/water toys
chew toys
regular toys
smell good spray
dog shampoo
dog toothbrush
poop bags with holder J
Toys (ages 2-5)
Sippy cup
Snacks: yogurt melts, goldfish, cherrios, squeeze fruits
Stuffed animal

** You do not have to follow the list, if you have other items in mind please feel free to purchase those as well. Thanks.

Box Tops

Box tops for Education Contest!  This continues all April long! Last week we had an awesome response...let's do it again this week!!


All April long we will be in a competition with the other classrooms at Westside to see who can collect the most BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION to raise money for our school. Please send them with your child any day in April! Ask your neighbors, family members, co-workers—whoever you might think would purchase items with box tops on them!



Friday, April 5, 2013

April Showers

Oh my goodness, is it really already April? Do I post a comment like that each month?! :) We have been working SO hard this week and have accomplished so much in our learning, not only that but everyone has really BEEN GREAT at cooperatively learning and being part of our classroom community. I sure hope that's a sign that winter doldrums have passed and the fresh energy of spring has arrived!

A few quick notes:

§ Fargo Force and Redhawks Reading minutes MUST have been turned in today to receive prizes!!!

§ Our reading incentive programs have come to an end, but continuing to read nightly has night! We are having our own little contest in April so the kids can still in prizes out of my "Junk Box". They need to continue to read 200 minutes a week. Go reading!

§ Tomorrow we will travel to  Concordia College, to take in the percussion ensemble concert for our Learning Bank Experience. I absolutely LOVE this concert and can't wait for the students to hear the amazing music! In anticipation of some of the kiddos coming home and asking to play drums, please make sure that if you pursue percussion in band that your son or daughter begins piano lessons ASAP. Percussion students are required to have 2 years of piano! (according to my sources...)

§ The students are buzzing with the news that Westside will once again have a spring carnival! The event will be Thursday, May 2nd, and all funds raised will go to benefit the Schaeffer family and help to offset medical expenses. Please see the Westside Newsletter for event details. Our silent auction basket letter went home yesterday.

§ Mid-term reports for Trimester 3 will be sent home next Friday (April 12th).

More information and photos of recent learning and projects to follow soon!!!