Friday, August 31, 2012

Finishing up art

We started acrostic poems this week and have been working hard to finish them. I will post pictures of them next week, but first, here we are working hard.

Happy Friday!

And it was... What a great day! We had so much fun today, take a look.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Up and Running

We are officially an up and running classroom. We have been practicing our procedures and what our classroom expectations are. We are doing such an amazing job. We have been working on social skills. We worked on disagreeing appropriately when every table had to choose a table leader. It was so amazing to see how everyone worked together and shared their views and came to a conclusion (although it took a little longer than expected :-)).
Reading We have been exploring read alouds and have already finished Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade. We have moved on to a new Horrible Harry book (by student request) and know we need to finish quickly because we will be starting our Flat Stanley adventure on Monday. We will be starting a Flat Stanley letter writing unit on Monday so watch for details coming soon.
Math We are in full swing with math. Students can expect to have a Home Link almost every night to complete that reviews the day's lesson. Also, if you check grades online, we have our first math grade posted.
If you are not sure how to check your child's grades online, please contact the office and Kristie can help set that up for you. In third grade we move to letter grades, so more grades will be posted online so you can keep up to date. If a problem arises, please check with your child first in order for them to explain their grade to you or lack of, as that will be the first thing I ask you if you have a question about your child's grade, "Did you check with your child to see if they can explain it?". This continues to add onto the responsibility of a third grader and encourages them to be held more accountable for their actions.
Book orders have been sent home and are due Sept. 7th. Please consider ordering books for your child as they are very reasonably priced and if you order online, not only are you helping our class earn free books, but you also get a $5 voucher to use on the next book order. How cool is that?
I am still learning how to blog so sorry that everything runs together. We have completed our first two art projects so please enjoy the pictures.
Until another day...
Mrs. Farkas

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Third Grade Day 2

We had a fabulous day 2 in third grade. I just wanted to share some pictures and post some friendly reminders.

  1. Agendas need to go back and forth from school to home every day. Please sign the agenda every night so I know you are seeing it. We will write any important notes and homework in our agenda.
  2. Student council forms are due on the 30th.
  3. Remember to send a snack.
  4. Day 3 (tomorrow) is our super block day and we have gym.
  5. Follow our blog either by email or through blogger.
  6. Remember to help your child get lots of rest each night.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of Third Grade… For all of us

Wow! What a fantastic start to our first day. It was so fun to have our first day of third grade together, even mine. It was an exciting one, but it went WAY too fast.

The students learned a LOT of procedures and attended health and library today. We have library on day 1 at 9:15. Please help the students return their books on time each week. We also started our focus on friendship and learning what it takes to work together. We did a few getting to know you activities so the students could start to get to know one another on a more personal level deepening their friendships, building trust and promoting respect.

I will be sending home a school calendar with all our important dates and information on it. So please watch for it to come home soon.

Here are a few important notes from the first day:

  1. Students need to bring a snack every day. J
  2. 3rd graders are now part of student council. Everyone in our class has an opportunity at it. An informational sheet was sent home today along with the form. They need a recommendation from a community member and they need to write a short essay on why they would be a great fit and what makes them a good leader. These are due on August 30th and we will be presenting them in front of our class for those that choose to participate. We will then pick 2 student council leaders from our class.


That is it for today.

Until another day…

Mrs. Farkas